Read "The Reality of Ba Gua Zhang", an article by Master Frank Allen charting the no nonsense history of Ba Gua Zhang that might surprise you
A collection of video clips from previous Baguauk workshops including anatomical tips and combat applications, plus a picture gallery and articles, to inspire your practise.
Alternative Martial Arts
Ba Gua Zhang is the physical and energetic practice which embodies 8 primary fighting strategies, based on the concept of continual spiral motion. Ba Gua Zhang has clear anerobic and aerobic training methods, and is to internal arts what the 400 metres is to track athletics.
Ba Gua is an alternative martial art, termed "internal" because of its smooth, soft to hard training methods, which do not rely on brute strength.
Bagua zhang
Frank Allen
A wonderful recent interview with Chris Chappell, director of Real Taoism Studio,from June 2013, offering interesting insights about his teaching, life work, and practise